Minggu, 08 Juli 2012


Youth GPID Ebenhaezer Sumbersari

This friend of mine in Sumbersari .. In May of 2012. The young man held the GPID Ebenhaezer Sumbersari birthday of the Church to 50 accompanied by a screening and discussion of the history of past struggles of our parents who held the transmigration of the island of Bali to Sumbersari of transmigration first to transmigration into three.

Monday, 01 January 2011 in the Trans Sulawesi road Sumbersari village.
me and friends gathered at my house for grilled fish .. we held that the activities of at 21.00 pm until 05.00 pm, it became the most beautiful memories of the turn of the year because I still may get a chance to hang out with my friends again. Thank you Lord Jesus

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